Lee Montessori Public Information
As a publicly-funded institution, the District of Columbia holds Lee Montessori Public Charter Schools accountable through the D.C. Public Charter School Board’s oversight of our operations. The Board’s performance management framework holds our school accountable.
In accordance with the Board’s transparency standards, below are key documents covering the operations of Lee Montessori:
School & Academic Information
Student/Family Policies, which include the following policies:
Grievance Procedures,
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice, and
Open Meetings
Annual Reports
Lee Montessori Key Points of Contact
Executive Director - Simon Rodberg
Title IX Coordinator - Erin Hart
McKinney-Vento Homeless LEA POC - Erin Hart
Special Education (Brookland) - Caelin Hamann
Special Education (East End) - Kaleb Banks
English Learner - Simon Rodberg