Family Teacher Associations (FTA)

Family Teacher Associations enhance and support the educational experience at Lee Montessori PCS. Our FTAs promote a closer connection between school and home by encouraging family engagement, family-school communications, and fostering a sense of community among families, teachers, and administrators.

Brookland FTA

To get involved, contact:

Executive Committee for SY 24-25

President: Amy McConnel
Vice President: Emma Merlis
Secretary: Kara Woodman
Treasurer: Phil VidL
At Large Representative: Vacant
Family Representative - Primary: TBD
Family Representative - Elementary: TBD

Past President: Jen Girdish

East End FTA

To get involved contact:

Executive Committee for SY24-25

President: Kate Little
Vice President: Christine Contreras
Secretary: Chelsea Lemons Rainier
Treasurer: Tiago de Sousa Sheppard

Staff/Family Liaison- IIeana James

Room Parent Coordinator-Nicole Sellers

Social Committee Chair: Vacant
Family Representative - Primary: Vacant
Family Representative - Elementary: Vacant

Past President: Broderick Morgan