Board Portal
Information on Board Meetings, including agendas and minutes, can be found on our Public Board Portal.
All public Board meetings take place on Zoom, starting at 6:30p.m. You are invited to offer public comment toward the start of the meeting. When needed, the Board moves into a private Executive Session following the public meeting.
Wednesday, July 10th
Wednesday, August 10th
Wednesday, September 11th
Wednesday, October 9th
Wednesday, November 13th
Wednesday, December 11th
Wednesday, January 8th
Wednesday, February 12th
Wednesday, March 12th
Wednesday, April 9th
Wednesday, May 14th
Wednesday, June 11th
Our Board
The Lee Montessori Board of Directors is an all-volunteer Board, charged with governance. The Board governs by adopting a mission, vision, goals, and policies to ensure strong leadership, academic excellence and long-term financial sustainability. The Board focuses on high-level decisions and oversight of the school’s leadership while the school leadership oversees the staffing, curriculum, and day-to-day operations.
If you have questions for the board or would like more information on its function or joining, contact the Board Chair, Akela Dogbe at To reach the entire Board, please send an email to
The Board is currently seeking applications for new members. For more information, and to apply, click here.
Board of Directors
Akela Dogbe
Kimani Little
Treasurer & Parent (East End)
Alex David Sanchez
Member and Parent (Brookland)
Jennifer Penrose
Secretary and Parent (Brookland)
Emily Silberstein
Ashley Southerland
Vice Chair & Parent (East End)
Seema Tejura
Kyle Wilson
Selma Woldemichael
Simon Rodberg
Executive Director, Ex-Officio